Tutkimusjohtajamme Sonja Lahtinen vieraili Goforen Recoding-podcastissa. Sonja on tutkinut tuoreessa väitöskirjassaan yritysten yhteiskunnallista roolia ja sen muutosta. Pelkällä voitontavoittelulla ei… Read more »
Arndt Pechstein
Dr. Arndt Pechstein, is the founder of the consultancy phi360, chairman of the Biomimicry Academy, as well as agile coach… Read more »
Doreen Lilienfeld
In this Company Culture Hackathon episode Doreen Lilienfeld gives 10 recommendations that can help boards engage in the corporate culture.
Ben Hartley
In this podcast you will learn what we, as business leaders, can learn from artists and how our businesses can benefit from the arts.
William P. Barnett
In this podcast you will learn how you can encourage your co-workers to share their non-consensus ideas, the ideas that are risky.
Carol Dweck
In this podcast you will learn how growth mindset can revolutionize your company culture.
Rumman Chowdhury
In this podcast you will learn about the potential impact of artificial intelligence on your business and on your company culture.
Denise Lee Yohn
In this podcast you will learn about the impact of fusing together your organisation’s two nuclei: your culture and your brand identity.